01Home. Land of birds that nest on the surface of Lake Bento, homestead of the herds, plains of every reed and every grass, soil fruitful, showered by rain, pelted by snow, baked by the rays of the Unconquered Sun.
02Four Tides have passed since the beginning of creation: the Spirit Tide, the Tide of Gethwinter, The War Tide, and the Tide of Dawn. Now, the Fifth Tide looms, the Midnight Wolf battles the Sabretooth in the heavens, and the People of Metal arrive from foreign shores. With them, they bring fire, and death, and mayhem, and they will not stop until they have stripped Edom of all of its wealth and beauty.
03The Khar have ruled this earth. They are made from it. They are its claw, as they are its blood. Edom is them. They are Edom. And now, they must fight back, or face extinction.